The Tallon crossed the Rhine like a bird of prey,
Surrounded, 'Ole Pete was heard to say,
The bastards don't know what trouble they're in.
We routed them before the sunset ray.
They finally decided they had enough,
And threw down their arms unconditional.
They came begging for mercy and food,
And found both in the heart of the Eagle.
The sadness of war is the loss of good men,
Who gave their lives for the freedom they love,
They gave their tomorrows so we could have ours,
We owe them a debt we can never repay.
There is a place where they are safely rest,
A green expanse of sacred sod.
There lie the nation's very best,
Near to the heart of God.
So we like them will soon depart,
And greet our comrades over there.
And in departing leave behind,
Footprints on the sand of time.
By my friend Gene Howard, 155C, 17th Airborne, who passed away on 29 September, 2009.